The size is little smaller than bulbul and larger than small bee-eater. The beak is black and a blackstrip is present from the beak to neck covering the eye. The head, breast and near the neck the color is chestnut or brown. The wings are greenish-blue, the rump and tail is blue. Adults has long tail pins. Sexes alike.
It can be spotted throughout the Indian union, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Pakistan upto 1000 meters in the Himalayas. It is winter visitor of Andaman and Nicobars.
It eats mainly dragonflies, bees, wasps etc.
It likes to reside in wooded country where jheels or streams are available. It perches on wires and branches and hunts bees, dragonflies, wasps etc. It’s call is like “te-tew,te-tew” and discernible from the call of small bee-eater.
March to June is its nesting season. It creates its nest in river banks. The nest is like a tunnel with an egg chamber at the end. It lays 5 to 7 white roundish oval eggs. Both sexes share the parental responsibilities.
Source: www.muktobihango.net/2013/09/blue-tailed-bee-eater.html